What a beautiful morning! Mario's mother made us scrambled eggs with tomato and onions. We had it with their bread, hot milk, pineapple juice, cheese and ham. Oh so good! She would not allow me to help her clean up.
We also had very tasty potato seasoned and wrapped and cooked in banana leaves. On our dining table she placed a basket of hearth baked bread and cookies. mmmmm soooo tasty.
Later we stopped at a street vendor (I was thinking we should not be doing this!) We got hot corn drink...sweet...along with fried tortilla. Tom had what they call 'a little dog.' It is like tamales, cornmeal, meat, seasoned & wrapped in corn husk. So tasty. After our outing we picked up fried chicken, much like Kentucky Fried chicken. We had them with Guatemalan bread and home made orange juice and pineapple juice.
A few sights we saw: A lady carrying a huge basket on her head, a man pulling a cart filled with lumber; a man riding a bicycle with a big load on his back held by a strap around his head to the load.
A neighbor lady was washing her children in a big plastic bowl, then later she was washing her laundry in the same large bowl.
When we were driving through down town, men approached our car rubbing first and third finger meaning "Do you have US dollars? I can give you a good exchange." They buy dollars from travelers and sell it to businesses for profit.